
Last Friday marked the end of a fantastic educational adventure at the hands of Institute of Technology Tralee. But only in exchange for another more practical and real world adventure that I believe has the raw potential to make my life ambitions come true. This forthcoming adventure arguably has a hell of a lot more riding on it…

In 2013 I returned to beautiful green Ireland after living abroad for a number of years. Travelling was the name of the game and I can never be accused of not maximising my opportunities for adventure during those crazy years. I could probably write a whole book about it, but instead I’ll just leave a few pix here  😉

Australia, New Zealand and Southeast Asia were of particular interest to me on my travels.


Returning to Ireland was a well planned and structured process that was essentially plunging myself back into the world of full time education! Now, I was never a study geek, but the prospect of completing a management degree in ‘Adventure Tourism’ just seemed too good to turn down, it just had to be as fun as it sounded!

I was 27 at the time of starting the degree program, I knew by the time I completed it my 20’s would be behind me. This did not deter me but I suppose it did play on my mind from time to time before the course started. I told myself ‘you are only as old as you feel’ and I felt like I was 18 again, full of enthusiasm and excitement for what was to come. I may have felt 18 at heart, but my mind had the benefit of experience and life knowledge, this let me clearly define and outline ambitions and goals which I could have only dreamt about doing in my late teens or early twenties.

Now, two and a half years on, and after amazing stints in Scotland and America gaining as much experience of the adventure tourism industry as I could pack into my head. I now couldn’t be more ready to push this adventure into the real business end of things and get my company on its feet.

Two semesters studying and practical training @ The University of Highlands and Island in Fort William, Scotland.

Summer 2015 @ Hike Bike Kayak Adventures, an eco adventure tour company in La Jolla, San Diego, Sunny California.


Last weekend marked the end of college exams, assignments and lectures and signalled the beginning of my final preparations needed to finally launch “The Irish Experience” Eco Adventure Tours!

So whether you’re seeking some adventure therapy to get away from the stresses of life, or you just want to get outside and try something new, you can stay up to date with “The Irish Experience” launch on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. I am currently working hard on getting the website off the ground and it will be online soon!  🙂

I hope to see you all on an adventure experience with me shortly, Sláinte chugat.

Graham Doyle



The Irish Experience

Make It Mór 

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