The road to success is a long and winding back road, full of pot holes and fallen debris. The reality of travelling on this road is you never can be sure that you will ever reach your destination. But for most of us who do take this road we share one common denominator, belief! belief in ourselves and in our goals, belief that with sheer determination and grit that we will eventually arrive at our destination relatively unscathed.
For anybody who has followed us over the past few months or year you won’t be handing us out any medals for a speedy business start up. I don’t want to use the term “Rome wasn’t built in a day”………ah feck it, Rome wasn’t build in a day! At the end of January this year I essentially finished my management degree in adventure tourism, all but one semester of work placement that is. Since the start of February this year I have been given the opportunity to channel 100% of my time and effort into The Irish Experience Eco Adventure Tours. It is living the dream, but without the benefit of being able to wake up during those hairy moments when you know you need to get the hell out of there! Of course it has been hard going at times, issues such as finance, public liability and insurance have been major sore points of late, we have took many a heavy blow to the upper body but haven’t yet been knocked out. Just to give you a taste of what we are up against, after our purchase of our gorgeous new 9 seater Nissan adventure wagon a couple of weeks ago, we have yet to actually secure insurance to actually use the wagon for business purposes. Phrases such as “this isn’t one for us”, “this is outside risk appetite” and “this would not fit our criteria” have been heard no less than 18 times from a variety of insures across the country. The case is now going to the insurance federation of Ireland for review.
But don’t worry we don’t do dome and gloom here at The Irish Experience! Its even in our tag line, we just “make it Mór”! ( Mór is Irish language for Great/Large). We are very proud announce that we are launching our website in less than a fortnight! We have secured a deal for a fleet of brand new kayaks and everything we need for transportation the kayaks! Purchased our amazing “Adventure Wagon” and have deals set up with various accommodation providers to deliver an outstanding experience, The Irish Experience.
Keep up to date with us across social media, we will announce our tour options next week. This s*** just got real 🙂